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WBC Rowing Center

The Williamsburg Boat Club (WBC) is a 501(c)(3) community rowing organization serving the Historic Triangle of Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown.

Currently serving rowers from ages 11 to 80+ of all abilities, WBC generates enough revenue through our Programs to cover annual operating costs in full and also offer scholarships in support of our organizational goal to make the positive benefits of rowing accessible to all.

WBC is working with JCC Parks and Recreation in creating a more comprehensive non-motorized small boat facility at Chickahominy Riverfront Park.  This will include a much-needed Rowing Center as the centerpiece in this large undertaking.

The Rowing Center will provide sheltered storage for our expanding fleet, regatta and adaptive rowing equipment, and electronics.  Importantly for our Youth Program, the Center provides a safer location for shelter from bad weather, and an affordable option for indoor training facility for strength and conditioning.

The Rowing Center also enables WBC to broaden its ability to serve the surrounding community with Learn-to-Row classes or camps, adaptive rowing land training, and indoor rowing fitness classes to the general public.  We also hope to offer the community Learn-to-Kayak/Canoe/Paddle Board classes and youth camp options from our experienced coaches.






Total Project Cost

Total Construction Cost


Raised to date

The Park waterfront project will improve safe water access not only for rowing shells, but for kayaks, paddle boards, and canoes.  It will also provide safety lighting and ADA access so WBC will be able to expand the Adaptive Rowing Program that is planned as a trial run this coming year.

The projected cost to build just the new WBC Rowing Center is $250,000 over several phases of construction, plus an additional 10% to establish an ongoing operating fund (for maintenance, utilities, and repairs) allowing community programs to grow affordably.

The Riverfront Park development plan has moved from a good idea to a well-designed and supported waterfront development plan that will enhance clean, recreational use of our community’s incredible water venue. The WBC Rowing Center will not only ensure we can improve and increase programs we offer to the community in the coming years, but will also enable James City County to better host regional rowing events with the potential to draw rowers from across our Region (Washington DC to SC, and west to TN and Pittsburgh).

The planning and completion of the non-motorized boating facility at Chickahominy Riverfront Park along with the WBC Rowing Center as a centerpiece is a large undertaking, with success dependent on the support of foundation grants, donations from corporate sponsors, and generous gifts from our expanded community, both on the water and off.

Please join us in realizing the dream of building a new home for small boating and rowing on the historic water first explored by Captain John Smith in 1607.

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